Sunshine and Shade

Maple Leaves from Lost Maples State Recreation Area in Vanderpool, Texas.
Maple Leaves from Lost Maples State Recreation Area in Vanderpool, Texas.

I never thought much about the color of light. Light was light.  You had light and then you had darkness.  Light was better than darkness.  All light was good.  My world of light was simple and straight forward.  And then a good friend introduced me to photography!

I started paying attention to the quality of the light around me.  Light has different hues and intensity.  Light and shadow are companions in creating a world filled with visual texture.  The light of damp, misty Gulf Coast morning is very different from the blue, frosty light of a Colorado Mountain morning.  Light can be harsh or soft, diffused or glaring.   Light is good!  Darkness is good!   Shadow is good!  Morning light is good.  Sunset light is good,  I guess you see the pattern!

Learning about light and how it illuminates the world around us also suggests something about how we can understand the light that shines within us!  A light spirit is all sunshine and happiness.  It is, for many, the way life is supposed to be.  Dark spirits, or moods, are bad.  Happiness is good, moodiness is bad!  Our lives are simple, right!  Just smile all the time and chase away the shadows.

When I started paying attention to the currents of life that swirled around in my spirit, I began to see that there is a place for happiness and moodiness.  It is the presence of both that brings a spiritual texture to my life.  A day filled with laughter and companionship can exist within a period of worry and fear.  The fear or worry can change the quality of our happiness and produce a golden glow of hope.  The dark shadows of sadness can be made bearable when the a little friendship wraps its joy around us.  The depth and richness of our inner conversation is created when the light and darkness within begins to dance the dance of life in our spirit.

Allow the inner experiences of life to play themselves out in your inner life.  Acknowledge and employ the rich palette of emotions within your soul to paint the daily masterpiece that is your life.  Do not accept the darkness without also seeing the light,  Do not allow the light to overwhelm the darkness.    For they both offer you a life worth living and sharing with those around you.  Remember, even Eyore was able to enjoy a good party!  And his friends always invited Eyore to the party!  Enjoy the dance!


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