Welcome to Las Vegas!

File0324WELCOME TO LAS VEGAS!  The Real Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NM.  This is a small town in rural New Mexico with a long history.  It sits in the pristine beauty of the Sangre Del Cristo Mountains and boasts a State and  International University.  This picture was taken just outside of town on a creek that flows from a hot spring.  This is not a place that most folks just happen upon in their travels.  To get here you generally have to intend to be here.  We, however, just stumbled on it when we took a back road.  We were fortunate to enjoy this little valley for a brief stop on our way into the wilderness of North Central New Mexico.

Have you been to Las Vegas?  Many will say yes.  They mean that they have seen the land of fake pyramids, contrived historical sites, and ten thousand ways to spend/lose your money.  Now I enjoyed Las Vegas, NV as much as most folks.  But the fake Las Vegas cannot compare with the riches that abound in the Real Las Vegas.

When you sit by that stream in Las Vegas, NM you can hear the whispers of history.  Of love and life; tragedy and death.  You can imagine a young couple stealing a few moments alone to dip their toes in the warm water and perhaps stealing a kiss while the chaperone is looking the other way.  You can hear the hooves of Billy the Kid and Jesse James’ horses as ride  into town to enjoy the local hospitality.  You might hear the train whistle carrying 49’ers to find fame and fortune in far off California.

As you feel the warm of the water soaking your feet you might hear the Ravens calling to one another or see the Mountain Bluebirds moving through the trees.  For a moment, you are transported far from your struggles, your worries, and your challenges.  You are embraced by life and know that, for all its problems, you have been blessed beyond measure.  In that moment, you will know that you have found a place with heart!

When my soul becomes frayed and worn, I seek out a place with heart to refresh and renew.  When my mind becomes indecisive and troubled, I know that a place with heart will help set things right.  When my body aches at the thought to facing another day in a fake Las Vegas, I know that it is time to find a real Las Vegas where I can dip my toes and immerse my spirit in life.

Live well, my friends.  It really is a journey of blessing and joy!

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